husain obama represents the greatest threat to the security of America than the Soviet Union ever did. He hates this country and will do everything in his power to destroy it. Only the young and very stupid can possibly support him- unfortunately, that group represents a very large number. Please click on the link below and watch the clip - it says all that needs be said about this dangerous person.




This is a must watch for anyone stupid enough to even consider voting for obammmma. If you agree, please send the link to everyone you know...and soon.


oh, oh, too late ...... watch your six honkeys...


The Doomsday President

For all the Obama supporters; This is a reality check! I want to advise you of the consequences that I foresee in the event your candidate should win the election. If Obama wins, it should come as no surprise that he will become a serious target for assassination which, if successful, will start a race war unlike anything we have ever seen. Watts will seem like a Boy Scout picnic by comparison………

Even if he some how survives, the country will be completely torn apart and divided by deep hatreds. Racism, as we all know, is very much alive and most white Americans will not long stand for a black socialist president “spreading their wealth” as he has said he would do. …….  Thousands will move out of the country taking their money with them. The minorities, democrats and socialists, few of whom pay any taxes or contribute to our society, will be left with a rapidly shrinking tax base, printing money in a savage frenzy to satisfy their constituent’s demands while creating runaway inflation. The dollar will become worthless…….. This is probably not what you want to see for our country. The entire country will resemble California, bankrupted by give-away programs and rampant unionization. Chavez, Putin Amadinijad and all America’s enemies will laugh themselves silly.

Here’s the clincher. There are millions of dedicated white American patriots, many of whom are intelligent and wealthy and, however misguided they may be, will stop at nothing to kill Pres Barry whom they see as a terrible danger to the survival their country. The list includes thousands of police and military trained individuals, many with the access, knowledge and means to take him out. It is not unlikely to assume that one of them will eventually succeed.

If you agree with this analysis, tell everyone you know what will be the result if Obama wins…. We will all lose- big time ! A vote for Obama is a vote to destroy America….. If he quietly loses he will become just another footnote in history, if elected, he will be the beginning of a terrible conflagration that will destroy this great country…….and likely much of the world as well..

Robert Firth





Otherwise, I think Obama is doing a very good job.


One of Bob Oster's CEO friends wrote this. Bob respects him highly. (For those on this list who don't know Bob: he was CFO of Oracle when it went public, also CFO of Syntex, and holds a Ph.D. in economics from Berkeley. Since 1987, he has been an angel investor and private VC. He is on the Board of Overseers at the Hoover Institution.


My 6 Month Evaluation of the Obama Presidency.


In November 2008 I wrote out my evaluation of the Obama candidacy and what it might mean to America. I filed this away, but sent it to family members and a few close friends and associates just so I'd be accountable for my real time observations. It's now been 6 months

since Obama's inauguration. (In the business world, this is typically when a first job review would occur; so, I made a note to myself to revisit his performance on the 6-month anniversary.) Thus, I now commit to filing my mid-year evaluation of our new President. As

well, I've put in the file (but not forwarded to anyone) a separate "background check" — the one the press should've done on the Obama candidacy prior to presenting him to the American public — in case this is ever of relevance as things unfold.

 As concerned as I was by Obama's candidacy when I wrote out my November pre-election reservations, truth be known, I didn't much like McCain/Palin either. At the time, I still had hopes that Obama might "govern from the center." Six months into it, however, I can say that

he's been considerably worse than my worst fears. Thus, I'm updating my evaluation — this time with the fervent hope that by the year-end I can be genuinely more optimistic.

 I've concluded that not only was Barack Obama too inexperienced to be President, but he also appears to be incompetent as an executive, more-than-just-politician-level-dishonest and a bit of a narcissist (if not a fascist). He seems to have little understanding of American

history, her dreams, or her tremendous potential for risk-taking, self-correction and innovation. He and Michelle have turned out to be quintessential Ivy League "Oppression Studies majors" with (carefully concealed) "attitudes." Obama seems, above all, to be a Community

Organizer with shakedown credentials and extraordinary speaking ability. All of this should have been clear -- had we simply done serious background checks. (The following 4 items, at least, shouldhave been clear to voters: 1. His surrogate father figure was Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Communist. 2. Barack served as a committed trainer for Community Activist and Marxist Saul Alinsky. 3. He sat for nearly 2 decades at the feet of Jeremiah Wright, an angry, anti-American "Black Liberation Theologist". 4. His first autobiography, Dreams from My Father, was almost certainly ghost-written by William Ayers, a Vietnam-era domestic terrorist.

 [This last assertion has now been supported by careful analysis of syntax, spelling and common errors].) If these unusual threads (standing alone) are discounted to the point of not being disqualifiers, those evaluating Barack Obama might have considered that he'd never i) held a job in the private sector, ii) managed a payroll, iii) led a turnaround or iv) held any sort of executive position. But, none of this mattered in the fall of 2008. After 6 months, I'm left wondering if power brokers on the Far Left of American politics aren't pinching themselves at their success in creating a fictitious character the press ushered to market in a Bush-weary and "politically correct" America. In his second (!) autobiography, The Audacity of Hope, Obama recognizes the advantage of his tabula rasa "creation" when he writes, "I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views."

 And, project we did! Thus, the former Barry Soetoro of Honolulu, Jakarta, Mombasa, Occidental, Columbia, Harvard and the mean streets of Chicago moved at light speed from being the first-term senator nobody had ever heard of to President of the United States. In the process, despite numerous efforts, no one has yet seen his birth certificate, his college transcripts, his application to Occidental (likely as a “foreign student”?), or the passport he used to travel in 1981 to Pakistan with buddy Wahid Hamid (likely an Indonesian one?).  For some reason, the Obama campaign has, so far, spent $3/4 million keeping these records out of public view. So, it’s easy to wonder— if they supported Obama’s putative CV—why not make them available and put to rest all suspicions about provenance, training and politics?

My growing hunch is that there’s virtually no paper trail because the Obama biography has been created largely out of whole cloth. There—

I’ve said what increasing numbers of people must be thinking, but are afraid to voice. But, whether or not Obama is more than a cleverly-marketed fiction, and whatever one thinks of his history, one thing is clear. He finally does have a record to evaluate. And, it’s not a confidence-inspiring one from my standpoint.

At best, Obama is an attractive symbol for America and a compelling

communicator; but he’s

1.  Not an executive. He’s shown an utter inability to focus, to set priorities and to consider 2nd and 3rd order or long-term consequences to his actions. Lack of focus on priorities is fatal as a CEO; (but, maybe less so for a political leader?)

2.  Not a steward or fiduciary for America. Obama clearly does not see his primary job as one of overseeing the security and well-being of America during his tenure as its chief executive. He’s not only unwilling to stand up for America, but he also regularly seems to go out of his way to apologize for her history. This makes it apparent that he believes his most important job is to change America into what he and Michelle think it shouldhave been had we not suffered the Founders’ flawed vision.

 At worst, Obama’s aims seem truly radical (if stealth); his methods pure Alinsky; and his success derivative of obfuscating the truth, creating crises, and rushing changes into law that no one can possibly absorb under artificial deadlines — all aimed at limiting private property rights, changing the Constitution and forever altering our free market system?

For those who consider Obama’s training and background irrelevant, they can now evaluate him as a Commander-in-Chief and CEO from what he’s done over his first 6 months.

Among many other things, these evidences have come in the form of:

1.  A $787B “stimulus” package (sold as preventing a “crisis from becoming catastrophe”)

2.  The failure to focus on addressing the banking crisis as “Job One”

3.  The migration of TARP funds to non-banking concerns, viz., auto industry

4.  Announcing tax increases in the middle of a recession

5.  Failure to identify projects to fund job creation (Thus, <10% of stimulus yet spent)

6.  Announcing that there would be “no pork” or “earmarks” in the “stimulus” package in order to get it passed without review when there were nearly 10,000 buried in the unread bill (including a $9B high-speed rail line to Las Vegas for Harry Reid)

7.  Bailouts of the banking and auto industries

8.  The appointment of a 31-year-old to manage the recreation of the auto companies

9.  The exalting of union claims above those of bondholders (violating a 200+ year history of contract law/property rights)

10. The appointment of 34 unvetted “czars”—creating more than in the House of Romanov between 1762 and 1917!

11. The failure to appoint a Cabinet of tax-paying,

competent Americans (reason for the move to the Czar system of administration?)

12. The appointment of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court despite an apparent lack of qualifications and judicial temperament,

13. The dark-of-night passage of “Cap and Trade”

legislation (300-page-long addendum inserted at 3AM the morning of the vote in the House)

14. The high pressure tactics to rush through a

budget-busting $1.6T takeover of healthcare.

15. Phony “townhall” meetings with a fake cross-section of Americans selling Obamacare on ABC.

16. “Lying” about budget deficits — projecting 4% GDP growth by year-end.

17. “Lying” about job losses — projecting that if

Congress would just ram through the “stimulus” that job losses could be halted at 8% (currently on their way to 10% and rising).

18. “Lying” about the costs of nationalized healthcare -- (just as when politicians projected Medicare’s cost in 1990 to be $3 billion, its actual cost turned out in 1990 to $98 billion — 30 times as much)

19. Pretending that new entitlement programs will

provide lower costs, better care, no significant tax increases, more competition (as government joins the fray!?) and keeping current private options. Claiming “free” healthcare will make America more competitive is baffling. Everyone knows the above are lies; but no one seems ready to call them out.

20. Forcing the “stimulus” package on states to impinge on “States Rights”

21. Failing to support the freedom-loving citizens in

Honduras and Iran (and instead, giving comfort to their dictators) to say nothing of his ineffectiveness withNorth Korea and anti-Israeli pronouncements.

22. Allocating $4B of “stimulus” funds to ACORN, the voter fraud thugs.

23. Seeking to push through Union Card Check, the

so-called “Fairness Doctrine,” and threats to take away 2nd amendment rights (see Eric Holder), etc.

24. Moving the heretofore non-partisan census into the Whitehouse under the direction of Rahm Emanuel.

 Whatever one thinks of the results, the process of getting to them should bother all Americans. In the Obama (Mayor Daley?) style of governing, it’s not clear that Congress — who can’t possibly process thoughtfully the blizzard of legislation — really serves any useful purpose other than to provide Politburo-style cover. Not only does Congress no longer debate legislation, but Obama has effectively circumvented its oversight of the executive branch by his appointment of czars.

In contrast to the direction Obama is taking us all, the Economist recently pointed out that 53% of all of the jobs created in the U.S.  were created in one state last year: Texas (the most free market of all State economies and the “last best hope” [ha!] for secession?).

Meanwhile, in California, -- as a perfect preview to “Obama’s America”

·       job losses are already well into double digits, the state faces a $25B budget deficit and is closing down services and considering bankruptcy. I cannot predict what will happen to Obama’s popularity, as people wake up to the size and intractability of the deficits he’s promoting, the unavailability of credit for small businesses, or the increased tax rates on energy and payrolls provoking a continuing loss of jobs as small businesses shed employees due to skyrocketing costs.

 But, is bad economic news bad for Obama? Sadly, the answer, if one studies the Alinsky formula for bloodless revolution, is “Heck no!” Indeed, hihg unemployment is necessaryfor the Obama Redistribution Plan. According to Alinsky, only with high unemployment will people look to the government for help (and then become dependent), allowing government to gain control over the factors of productions. If one considers that the Alinsky manual might be Obama’s “playbook,” one can’t help but want to evaluate how closely it’s being followed.

Thus, in evaluating Obama’s performance, it’s probably worth noting (for the 6-month record) the key elements of the Alinsky formula.  Written in 1971 by Chicago Organizer, Saul Alinsky, under the title of Rules for Radicals, this manual for effective change became Young Barack Obama’s “bible.” David Alinsky, son the author said of our new President:”Barack Obama patterned himself after the Saul Alinsky model in everything he has done since arriving in South Chicago.”

Alinsky clearly stated its purpose: “Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution.”

Note how closely Obama is following the rules for internal revolution, based on Alinsky’s specific instructions:

1.  Pursue an “Ideology of Change” (Alinsky’s phrase for the most effective way to market revolution)

2.  Target the banks that serve the steel, auto, and other industries.

3.  Start class warfare—Fuel the anger of what Alinsky calls the “Have-Nots,” and the “Have-some-but-want-mores” against the “Haves.”

4.  Use crises to create fear.

5.  Use pollution as a foil to grab power.

6.  Set up “jobs programs” to make workers dependent on government.

7.  Show supreme self-confidence.

8.  Make communication skills your key weapon.

9.  Use simple catch phrases and vague slogans (‘Of the Common

Welfare, [Nazi takeover of Germany], ‘Bread and Peace,’ [Bolshevik Revolution]) In this context, it’s not hard to imagine that Change &The Audacity of Hope will one day be seen as the battle cry for the Obama revolution.

10. Use deception—“…in war the end justifies almost any means.”

11. Remain calm, appealing, likeable while inciting

fear, conflict, defeat.

As these steps are being pursued, the press continues to refer to “the Republican recession,” so Obama’s popularity remains high. Any who saw tapes of President Bush warning Congress (on two separate occasions) that the market was headed for disaster unless it

instituted the very reforms Barney Frank and Chris Dodd pooh-poohed, may be surprised to see the level of “cover” the press is providing this revolution.

As bleak as things look for free markets, I have hope. Why? Just as Bernie Madoff learned that ponzi schemes eventually come to light —

Barack Obama may soon learn that you “can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” It’s unclear to me how much and how long America will have to pay for its experiment with Obamunism — his fantasy “green jobs,” his new taxes, his junk science, his czars, his meddling in the auto and banking industries, his sure-to-be-disastrous Obamacare and the encouragement he’s giving to union bosses, dictators and tyrants the globe over, to say nothing of his “Peace-through-Weakness” foreign policy. But, at some point, reality will take over, as it always does. I just hope America will have its Winston Churchill or Ronald Reagan ready to step into the breach when the time comes.

So far, the nervousness of Blue Dog Democrats and their ability to resist some of the wackier directives has been the only thing that has kept Obama from an outright failing grade, in my view. Perhaps, just as the Gingrich Congress rescued Bill Clinton, it may be these

so-called Blue Dogs that rescue Obama. If not, it may be important for the survival of the union for government to be forever split between the parties.

 FV "Cort" de Peyster

Reno, NV

Noli nothis permittere te terere






I sent out the following to a few papers and some media outlets. If you know any one in the media who might help us get the message out, please send it on . We have a few weeks to stop nobama ( if he can be stopped) and we owe it to our country and to the world to do everything we possibly can……..America probably is the last best hope…..

 Dear Editor, ( and readers)

 The election in November is critical for the survival of America. “Barry” nobama, if elected, will tear this country apart. We are at a critical crossroads that will determine the future of America. I believe that if we are able to publish the following articles, we can possibly convince a large number of our citizens to vote against nobama.

 As a member of the media, you are most likely a democrat ( not always) and in favor of furthering the liberal agenda. Normally, this might be acceptable but not in this upcoming election. Nobama is too closely connected to ACORN and was associated with Madeline Talbot who worked with “barry” to bring suits against the banks to force them to make bad loans and used other community action to coerce  lenders. The current financial problem we have today is 100% due to bad loans that were forced on the banks under the Community Reinvestment Act. (see the attached article) which was passed in congress with 100% democratic ( liberal) support.  

 Nobama is dangerous. He is against the 2nd amendment and wants to disarm our citizens and downsize our military.  He is a student of Alinsky who was a vicious America hating Marxist Agitator who used militant action to intimidate the businesses and banks. This information is valid and verifiable. Nobama was, in 1995, a friend of Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorn, both anti- American terrorists,  who worked with nobama to use funds from the Woods Fund and the Annenberg Foundation to organize community pressure to fund radical pressure groups and intimidate prosecutors who were fighting against groups such as the Black Panthers.

 How nobama became involved with Alinsky is interesting and something I’m reasonably sure you didn’t know as “barry” has carefully hidden his background.  Barry (as he called himself) Obama had just graduated from Columbia and was looking for a job.  Some white leftists were looking for someone who could recruit in the black neighborhoods in the south side of Chicago. Barry answered a help-wanted ad for a position as a community organizer for the Developing Communities Project (DCP) of the Calumet Community Religious Conference (CCRC) in Chicago.  Obama was 24 years old, unmarried, accustomed to a vagabond existence, and, according to his memoir, searching for a genuine African-American community.

 Both the CCRC and the DCP were built on the Alinsky model of community agitation, wherein paid organizers learned how to "rub raw the sores of discontent," in Alinsky's words. One of Obama's mentors in the Alinsky method was Mike Kruglik, who had this to say to an Ryan Lizza of The New Republic, about him; "He was a natural, the undisputed master of agitation, who could engage a room full of recruiting targets in a rapid-fire Socratic dialogue, nudging them to admit that they were not living up to their own standards. As with the panhandler, he could be aggressive and confrontational. With probing, sometimes personal questions, he would pinpoint the source of pain in their lives, tearing down their egos just enough before dangling a carrot of hope that they could make things better."

The agitator's job, according to Alinsky, is first to bring folks to the "realization" that they are indeed miserable, that their misery is the fault of unresponsive governments or greedy corporations, then help them to bond together to demand what they deserve, and to make such an almighty stink that the dastardly governments and corporations will see imminent "self-interest" in granting whatever it is that will cause the harassment to cease. In these methods, euphemistically labeled "community organizing," Obama had a four-year education, which he often says was the best education he ever got anywhere.

From this he graduated to assisting in the destruction of the American banking system by forcing our banks into making bad ( toxic) loans that have today destroyed the confidence of the worldwide financial system. For decades portfolios of American mortgages were considered “prime:” debt and valuable assets throughout the investment community.

I ask you, is this the kind of man we want, the kind of person you want, in our White House? If after reading the following articles you are having second thoughts, please do something and publish the articles.

Robert Firth






This op/ed from the Asia Times Online is a must-read. It is both astonishing and alarming. Based on the author's premise, about judging the candidate by the women he surrounds himself with, is spot-on. One of the article's central allegations, that Senator Obama's mother was a communist sympathizer, is supported by an additional fact the author omits: She met the Kenyan Communist Mr. Obama Sr when both were learning Russian in 1960, at the height of the Cold War, at the East/West Institute in Hawaii.


For an extensive resource on the life of Senator Obama, see Debunking Obama at http://obamawtf.blogspot.com/

 Cherchez la femme," advised Alexander Dumas in: "When you want to uncover an unspecified secret, look for the woman." In the case of Barack Obama, we have two: his late mother, the white-went-black anthropologist Ann Dunham, and his rancorous wife Michelle. Obama's women reveal his secret: he hates America.

 We know less about Senator Obama than about any prospective president in American history. His uplifting rhetoric is empty, as Hillary Clinton helplessly but correctly protests. His career bears no trace of his own character, not an article for the Harvard Law Review he edited, or a single piece of legislation. He appears to be an empty vessel filled with the wishful thinking of those around him. But,  there is a real Barack Obama. No man, least of all one abandoned in infancy by his father, can possibly conceal the influence and imprint of an impassioned mother or the influence of a brilliant but emotionally damaged wife.

 America is not the embodiment of hope but the abandonment of one kind of hope in return for another. America is more of a spirit of creative destruction, selecting immigrants willing to turn their back on the tragedy of their various home countries failing cultures in return for a new start promising only an opportunity to be all and as much as you possibly can.

 Its creative success is so enormous that its global influence hastens the decline of other cultures. For those on the destruction side of the trade, America is a monster. Between half and nine-tenths of the world's 6,700 spoken languages will almost certainly become extinct in the next century, and the anguish of dying peoples rises up in a global cry of despair. Some of those who listen to this cry become anthropologists, the curators of soon-to-be extinct cultures; Some anthropologists who identify too closely with their subjects often marry them. Obama's mother, the University of Hawaii anthropologist Ann Dunham, did so twice.

Obama profiles Americans the way anthropologists interact with primitive peoples. He holds his own view in reserve and emphatically draws out the feelings of others; that is how friends and colleagues describe his modus operandi since his days at the Harvard Law Review, through his years as a community activist in Chicago, and in national politics. Anthropologists, though, proceed from resentment against the devouring culture of America and the west and sympathy with the “endangered” cultures of the primitive world. Obama inverts the anthropological model: he applies the tools of cultural manipulation out of resentment against America. If we are not alerted and especially wary, the possible next president of the United States could be a mother's revenge against the America she despised.

 Ann Dunham died in 1995, and her character emerges piecemeal from the historical record, to which I will return below. But Michelle Obama is a living witness. Her February 18 comment that she felt proud of her country for the first time caused a minor scandal, and was hastily qualified. But she meant it, and more. The video footage of her remarks shows eyes hooded with rage as she declares:

“For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment.”

 The desperation, frustration and disappointment visible on Michelle Obama's face are not new to the candidate's wife; as Steve Sailer, Rod Dreher and other commentators have noted, they were the theme of her undergraduate thesis, on the subject of "blackness" at Princeton University. No matter what the good intentions of Princeton, which founded her fortunes as a well-paid corporate lawyer, she wrote, "My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'Blackness' than ever before. I have found that at Princeton no matter how liberal and open-minded, some of my White professors and classmates try to be toward me I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong." 

Never underestimate the influence of a wife who “bitch-slaps” her husband in public. Early in Obama's campaign, Michelle Obama could not restrain herself from belittling the senator. "I have some difficulty reconciling the two images I have of Barack Obama. There's Barack Obama the phenomenon. He's an amazing orator, Harvard Law Review, or whatever it was, law professor, best-selling author, Grammy winner. Pretty amazing, right? And then there's the Barack Obama that lives with me in my house, and that guy's a little less impressive," she told a fundraiser in February 2007.

 "For some reason this guy still can't manage to put the butter up when he makes toast, secure the bread so that it doesn't get stale, and his five-year-old is still better at making the bed than he is." New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd reported at the time, "She added that the TV version of Barack Obama sounded really interesting and that she'd like to meet him sometime." Her handlers have convinced her to be more tactful since then.

 "Frustration" and "disappointment" have dogged Michelle Obama these past 20 years, despite her US$300,000 a year salary and corporate board memberships. It is hard for the descendants of slaves not to resent America. They were not voluntary immigrants but kidnap victims, subjected to a century of second-class citizenship even after the Civil War ended slavery. Blackness is not the issue; General Colin Powell, whose parents chose to immigrate to America from the West Indies, saw America just as other immigrants do, as a land of opportunity. Obama's choice of wife is a failsafe indicator of his own sentiments. Spouses do not necessarily share their likes, but they must have their hatreds in common. Obama imbibed this hatred with his mother's milk.

 Michelle Obama speaks with greater warmth of her mother-in-law than of her husband. "She was kind of a dreamer, his mother," Michelle Obama was quoted in the January 25 Boston Globe. "She wanted the world to be open to her and her children. And as a result of her naivete, sometimes they lived on food stamps, because sometimes dreams don't pay the rent. But as a result of her naivete, Barack got to see the world like most of us don't in this country." How strong the ideological motivation must be of a mother to raise her children on the thin fair of government assistance in pursuit of a political agenda.

 "Naivete" is a weak euphemism for Ann Dunham's motivation. Friends describe her as a "fellow traveler", that is, a communist sympathizer, from her youth, according to a March 27, 2007, Chicago Tribune report. Many Americans harbor leftist views, but not many marry into them, twice. Ann Dunham met and married the Kenyan economics student Barack Obama, Sr at the University of Hawaii in 1960 and in 1967 married the Indonesian student Lolo Soetero. It is unclear why Soetero's student visa was revoked in 1967 - the fact but not the cause are noted in press accounts. But it is probable that the change in government in Indonesia in 1967, in which the leftist leader Sukarno was deposed, was the motivation.

 Soetero had been sponsored as a graduate student by one of the most radical of all Third World governments. Sukarno had founded the so-called Non-Aligned Movement as an anti-colonialist turn at the 1955 Bandung Conference in Indonesia. Before deposing him in 1967, Indonesia's military slaughtered 500,000 communists (or unfortunates who were mistaken for communists). When Ann Dunham chose to follow Lolo Soetero to Indonesia in 1967, she brought the six-year-old Barack into a steaming  kitchen of anti-colonialist outrage, immediately following one of the worst episodes of civil violence in post-war history.

 Dunham's experience in Indonesia provided the material for a doctoral dissertation celebrating the hardiness of local cultures against the encroaching metropolis. It was entitled, "Peasant blacksmithing in Indonesia: surviving against all odds". In this respect Dunham remained within the mainstream of her discipline. Anthropology broke into popular awareness with Margaret Mead's long-discredited Coming of Age in Samoa (1928), which offered a falsified ideal of sexual liberation in the South Pacific as an alternative to the supposedly repressive West. Mead's work was one of the founding documents of the sexual revolution of the 1960s and anthropology faculties stood firmly at the left-wing fringe of American universities.

 In the Global South, anthropologists went into the field and took matters a step further. Peru's brutal Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) guerilla movement was the brainchild of the anthropologist Efrain Morote Best who headed the University of San Cristobal of Huamanga in Ayacucho, Peru, between 1962 and 1968. Dunham's radicalism was more vicarious; she ended her career as an employee of international organizations.

 Barack Obama received at least some instruction in the Islamic faith of his father and went with him to the mosque, but the importance of this experience is vastly overstated by many commentators who seek to portray Obama as a closet Muslim of sorts. Radical anti-Americanism, rather than Islam, was the reigning faith in the Dunham household. In the Muslim world of the 1960s, nationalism rather than radical Islam was the ideology of choice among the enraged. It could be argued that radical Islam did not emerge as a modern political force until the nationalism of a Gamal Abdel Nasser and the murder of President Anwar Sadat by Islamic terrorists.

 Barack Obama is a clever fellow who imbibed hatred of America with his mother's milk but worked his way up the elite ladder of education and career. He shares the resentment of Muslims against the encroachment of American culture although not necessarily their twisted belief system. He has the empathetic skill set of an anthropologist who lives with his subjects, learns their language and elicits their hopes and fears while remaining at emotional distance. That is, he is the political equivalent of a sociopath. The difference is that he is practicing not on a primitive tribe but on the absurdly gullible young and liberal population of the United States.

 There is nothing mysterious about Obama's methods. "A demagogue tries to sound as stupid as his audience so that they will think they are as clever as he is," wrote Karl Krauss. Americans are the world's biggest suckers, and laugh at this weakness in their popular culture. Listening to Obama speak, Sinclair Lewis' cynical tent-revivalist Elmer Gantry comes to mind, or, even better, Tyrone Power's portrayal of a carnival mentalist in the 1947 film noire Nightmare Alley. The latter is available for instant viewing at Netflix, and highly recommended as an antidote to having felt uplifted by any of Obama’s speechs.

 Why has the Obama phenomenon been so successful? America has the great misfortune to have encountered Obama at the peak of his powers at its worst moment of vulnerability in a generation. With malice of forethought, he has sought out their sore point.

 Since the Ronald Reagan boom began in 1984, the year the American stock market doubled, Americans have enjoyed a quarter-century of rising wealth. Even the collapse of the Internet bubble in 2000 did not interrupt the upward trajectory of household assets, as the housing price boom eclipsed the effect of equity market weakness. America's success made it a magnet for the world's savings, and many Americans came to believe that they were riding a boom that would last forever, as I wrote recently

 A majority of Americans regard upward mobility as a God-given right. America had a double founding, as David Hackett Fischer showed in his 1989 study, Albion's Seed. Two kinds of immigrants founded America: religious dissidents seeking a new Promised Land, and economic opportunists looking to get rich quick. Both elements still are present but the course of the past quarter-century has made wealth-creation the sine qua non of American life. Now, for the first time in a generation, Americans have become somewhat poorer and many  much poorer due to the collapse of home prices, loss of jobs and $4.00 gas. Unlike the Reagan years when cutting the top tax rate from a punitive 70% to a more tolerable 40% was sufficient to start an economic boom, no convenient lever of economic policy is immediately available to fix the problem. Americans have no choice but to work harder, retire later, save more and retrench.

 This reversal has provoked a national mood of existential crisis. In Europe, economic downturns do not inspire this kind of soul-searching, for Europeans, richer or poorer, remain what they always have been. But Americans are what they make of themselves and the slim makings of 2008 shake their sense of identity. Americans have no institutionalized culture to fall back on. Their national religion has consisted of various waves of enthusiasm - "Great Awakenings" – every second generation or so, followed by an interim of apathy. In times of stress they frequently have a baleful susceptibility to hucksters and con-men such as Obama.

 Be afraid - be very afraid. America is at a low point in its fortunes and feeling sorry for itself. When Barack utters the word "hope" they instead hear, "handout". A cynic might translate the national motto, E pluribus unum, as "something for nothing". Now that the stock market and the housing market have failed to give Americans something for nothing they want more of something for nothing from the government. The trouble is that he who gets something for nothing will earn every penny of it- twice over.

 The George W Bush administration has squandered a great strategic advantage in a sorry lampoon of nation-building in the Muslim world and has made enemies out of countries that might have been friendly rivals, notably Russia. However, Putin, by re-instituting many of his earlier evil ways, murdering and intimidating the media and squashing the voice of the people, has most certainly separated itself from the west.  Many Americans perhaps question the purpose of America's standing as a global superpower and of the promise of upward mobility and wealth-creation. If elected, you can be certain that Barack Husian Obama will do his utmost to destroy the dual premises of America's standing. It might take the country another generation to recover.

 "Evil will oft evil mars", J R R Tolkien wrote. It is conceivable that Barack Husain Obama, if elected, will destroy himself before he destroys the country. Hatred is a toxic diet even for someone with as strong a stomach as Obama. As he recalled in his 1995 autobiography, Dreams From My Father, Obama idealized the Kenyan economist who had married and dumped his mother, and was saddened to learn that in reality, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr, was a sullen, drunken polygamist. The elder Obama became a senior official of the government of Kenya after obtaining a PhD at Harvard. He was an abusive drunk and philanderer whose temper and lack of perspective and balance soured his life and career.

 The senior Obama died in a 1982 car crash. Kenyan government officials in those days normally spent their nights drinking themselves stupid at the Pan-Afrique Hotel. Two or three of them would be found with their Mercedes wrapped around a palm tree every morning. During the 1970s I came to know a number of them, mostly British-educated hollow men dying inside of their own hypocrisy and corruption.

 Both Obama and the American public should be very careful of what they wish for. As the horrible example of Obama's father shows, there is nothing worse for an embittered outsider manipulating the system from within than to achieve his goals - and nothing can be more terrible for the system. Even those who despise America for its blunders of the past should ask themselves whether the world will be a safer place if America retreats into a self-pitying shell destroying its shrinking middle class in a massive tax and spend transfer of depleting wealth. Beware because this is exactly what Obama and his fellow travelers have in mind.





Community Reinvestment Act


For those looking for the real explanation to today's financial meltdown and government rescue, you need to go back to 1977, and the Jimmy Carter presidency.

 It was then, for the best and purest of reasons, that well-meaning Democratic members of Congress brought the Community Reinvestment Act into being.

 The main idea, as the late Democratic Sen. William Proxmire said on the Senate floor in 1977, was "to eliminate the practice of redlining by lending institutions." That term, "redlining"  may seem quaint today but in the 1970 s, it was widely and erroronously seen as the cause of housing disparities between white and black Americans.

 The redlining theory went thus: Banks set up shop in low-income areas, took deposits, then lent the funds to richer areas -- leaving poor and minority communities starved of housing and capital. That was never the case. Banks in the days before the CRC evaluated loans based on sound and traditional banking practices. Anyone, regardless of where they lived, were adjudged “loan worthy” based on their credit history, assets and, in the case of companies and entrepreneurs, their experience, equity and business plan.

President Carter, a economic nitwit and reformist former governor from the racially aware "New South," embraced the 1977 CRA as a way to end the supposed practice of redlining.

 Coming as it did just years after other major civil rights legislation -- including the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 -- community activists and others viewed it as essential to bringing African-Americans into the American dream. What it did in fact was create the biggest financial disaster that America or any country has ever seen.

  At the time, the U.S. was in the middle of what came to be known as stagflation. After the first oil embargo in 1973 sent prices spiraling upward, the economy struggled to emerge from a vicious two-year recession in 1974 and 1975.

  By 1977, inflation hit 7% -- on its way to 14% in 1980. A year earlier, in 1976, 30-year mortgage rates crested 9% for the first time ever.

  Meanwhile, the jobless rate stood at 7% -- 14% for blacks. Many African-Americans felt frozen out of homeownership. As home prices soared, affordability became a crisis for not only black families but anyone who didn’t make a reasonable living and have a 20% deposit- completely as it should be. Carter will forever be remembered as America’s most inept and worst president.

 In such a nasty economic environment, it's easy to see why something like the CRA got passed.

 Good intentions, bad results- very bad. Millions of non-qualifying bad loans made to individuals who had not a chance of paying their bills and indeed, had long track records of not being responsible citizens.  Unfortunately, this fundamentally stupid law eventually led to a housing boom based on shoddy loan practices and totally unqualified buyers and to what we have today- a subsequent bust and financial disaster.

  Initially, the CRA was supposed to not just lend to poor areas, but to do so "consistent with safe and sound lending practices." That latter key proviso was ignored as CRA was implemented. The key here is that actual purpose of the CRA was that the liberals in congress wanted to pander to their base- the poor and uneducated voters who might just vote for good ole white boy who got the banks to loosen the purse strings.

 The CRA forced banks and savings institutions -- then, far more heavily regulated than today -- to make loans to poor, often un-creditworthy minority borrowers. 99% of the $700 billion in bad loans today that are killing our financial institutions are mortgages from blacks and minorities that never had a dime of equity in the properties. This debacle can be and needs be laid 100% at the feet of the idiot libs in congress.

  How did the libs pressure the banks? Banks were required to keep extensive records of their minority lending practices. Those that didn't pass muster could be denied the right to expand their branches, merge with other banks, or boost lending in new markets.

 Regulators didn't need to do much policing; they let that job fall to radical community groups, such as ACORN and NACA, which siphoned literally billions of dollars from banks and lent the money in poor communities who never ever could repay the loans.

  It wasn't entirely altruistic.

  The community groups booked thousands of dollars in fees for every loan. And loans often required recipients to become active in radical causes -- what's today called "community organizing."

  If a community group decided a bank was operating in bad faith, it could affect the bank's "CRA rating" -- the scorecard for how well it was doing as a minority lender.

 Banks became pliable, easy targets. No bank CEO wanted to be mau-maued as an enemy of the poor. They became shakedown targets, channeling billions of dollars to groups that had, at best, meager results to show for it.

  That's how it began. Later, in the Clinton era, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, managed by greedy and stupid blacks got involved -- buying up bad loans from banks, and securitizing them for sale on world markets. The seeds of the subprime meltdown were planted.

  As of last year, the homeownership rate among all Americans was 68.1% -- up from 63% in 1970. For black Americans, it's up from just below 42% in 1970 to 47.2% last year. It's still below 50%, and still the lowest of any minority group.

 Today, Americans might rightly ask 31 years after the CRA was passed whether the more than $1 trillion lent under its auspices did what its proponents promised.

  For my money, it certainly did do what was intended- the destruction of many white financial institutions and the ability of the lib fat cats in Washington to remain in power. So let’s put the blame exactly where it belongs- on the bloody libs and their idiotic socialistic followers.


Robert Firth






 The election this November 2008 will be decisive and crucial for the survival of America. There are many foolish people in this country who have found the words of barry husain nobama, his youthful appearance and his color to be attractive and are rallying around his inane political slogan calling for “CHANGE” like ignorant rats following the pied piper.

 For the young, impressionable and inexperienced in the ways of the world, the appeal of husain is perhaps understandable. For those of you old enough to know better- you have no excuse.

 For those who are considering casting your vote for obama, I want to take a few minutes of your time to discuss the real-world situation- many of you have never been exposed to this kind of reality. I want to shock you with some facts that you are almost certainly unaware in hopes of persuading you to “CHANGE” you mind while we still have time.

 It has been said that if one is not a liberal in his youth then he has no heart-  but if one remains a liberal into middle age, he has no brains. I guess this is truer than not and perhaps explains the thousands of young supporters of hussain nobama.

 There are a significant number of individuals within the American electorate who are embarrassed by any kind of racism.  Many, so much so that they even support reparations (from the taxpayers pockets) to the millions of our black citizens who claim their predecessors, some 150 years ago, were brought to America in chains. Many emotionally immature and self-delusional white women actually sleep with black men as a kind of sacrifice or penitence for the sins of their forefathers and to somehow “get back” at their “raciest” fathers while assuaging their conscience.

 Vast numbers of white obama supporters have been brain washed in the politically correct, stultifying corridors of their colleges and universities where any kind of raciest slur results in instant ostracism or even expulsion. In the PC world it is absolutely forbidden for any white person to even “notice” the color of a person’s skin let alone let slip a degrading remark that could be construed as offensive. Of course, the driving force here is a kind of collective guilt that has spread like a poison gas in the bizarre theater of the absurd that passes for college culture.

 There are many in the American media who equally find obama to be charming and, in fact, are supporting him with their money and the power of their mighty pens. One survey of the support for obama found that 235 members of the media gave obama $225,000.00 vs. only 20 who donated $16,000 to McCain. No one doubts that the liberal press is 100% behind obama and can’t wait to see this terribly flawed and hugely inexperienced young black man seated in the oval office exercising the power of the commander in chief of the most powerful country in the history of the world.

 If these two groups have their way that is exactly what will happen.

 Let’s examine the kinds of people who so despise their country that they would place it in the hands of a young, inexperienced and ultra lib like obama. The first thing that one notices is they all hate their country and President Bush with a visceral and implacable kind of detestation that colors their every thought.  Obama, his wife, Rev. Wright and all their ilk, share this with them. They can’t abide the embarrassment they would suffer if their peers thought them patriotic. Indeed, husain himself wouldn’t wear the American flag lapel pin until his white “handlers” forced him.

 These “Bush-haters” have stuck their heads in the proverbial sands of leftist group-think so deeply that, even when provided irrefutable evidence that Bush has succeeded in Iraq, will not admit it. Obama, their black leader, even after seeing with his own eyes that the policies of the administration have, in fact, worked was, and remains unable, to bring himself to say anything good about Bush. 

I think we can all agree that war is a horrible thing and no sane man would ever condone entering into any kind of armed conflict unless there were no alternative. Interestingly, just the fact that even the bone-headed lefties reading these words can find a basis of agreement with me shows that there may be some glimmer of bi-partisan hope for our country.

 Of course, no one who has ever been to war will ever see anything good in it. War is all about killing, destruction and maiming. War is ugly, brutal and, overall, disgusting. There is nothing glorious about it. One kills the enemy or the enemy kills him. One tries to kill as many of the enemy as possible while not allowing them to kill you. All wars that end in any kind of sustainable victory do so because one side killed enough of the enemy that they can not continue the fight. That is the only way wars are won- unconditional surrender! There has never been any kind of successful negotiated peace. That is a pure fiction. No sane person will go to war if there is any way to avoid it and there is no such thing as a “popular war” or a popular war- time president. The Brits tossed Winston Churchill out of office the same year WW II ended.

 All wars are started by the actions of tyrants and dictators. No wars in history have ever been initiated by a democracy. In every example you can think of this is true. Today, we are engaged in an ancient war with islam that has been on going since the inception of this dark cult of death. Here’s something you probably didn’t know. In 732, six hundred thousand crazed Islamic killers ran screaming, murdering, proselytizing, maiming and slaughtering the people of Europe. They got about 30 miles from where Paris is today until they were stopped. Karl “the Hammer” Martel, the leader of the Franks, met them there in the famous ‘Battle of Tours’ where he slaughtered every last one of them. None of the filthy muslum monsters ever returned and the mad zealots who sent them never heard from them again.

 So, the Pope, in quoting his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, who said “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith.” was most certainly correct in every sense of the word. Had Karl Martel not prevailed it is distinctly possible that today, all of us would be sticking our posteriors into the air five times a day. The reaction of the world’s Islamic fanatics to the Pope’s words were as predictable as they were absurd. The screaming and raging in the arab streets showed the world that these bad boys can dish it out but can’t take it!

 Today, the ugly evil face of militant islam has risen again like a demonic monster from the ash heaps of history. The beast has increased in size dramatically until there are over one billion muslums with, at the least, 10%, or one hundred million of them committed mustadoons. Notice I didn’t call them “jihadists”. The word mustadoon refers in Arabic to a low criminal venting his vicious spleen on the Christian  non–islamic ( infidel) world.

 America, the last best hope of freedom ( and you had better believe that it is) has less than three million men under arms facing a disorganized army of one hundred million- any of whom would gleefully slice your bloody head from your body and put the spectacle on Al jizzera TV. Don‘t believe it? Hop on a flight to Lebanon and see how far you get negotiating with Hezbollah or any of the Al Qaida mad-men hiding out there- does the name Nick Berg ring a bell? Google it.

 Look, Americans, especially the young, who have never served, have no real idea what islamic terrorism is all about. Many of the obama supporters were only 14 years old in 2001 when the viscous bastards flew our wonderful aircraft (which, by the way, none of their backward, flea-bitten, miserable countries could build) into the World Trade Center. Many of the obama supporters are also conspiracy nuts who actually believe that Bush faked the attack. If you’re in that camp, God help you, I give up because you’re too far gone……..

 Obama actually believes that he can “negotiate” with Amadinijad or any of the fanatical tyrants running the Islamic world. I wonder if the name Neville Chamberlain rings a bell with him? History is a great teacher but only if you study it. Those who are ignorant of the lessons of the past are often doomed to repeat them. Google ‘Chamberlain’ why don’t you and then, at your next obama rally, ask him who he was? 

Let me say this in the clearest way I know, and please, for the sake of America and your personal future- listen up! Islamic fanatics like those running the show (by force, thanks to Carter) in Iran can’t be “talked down” they cannot be negotiated with or persuaded to somehow give up on their ‘god’ given right to acquire atomic weapons and use them. Read Professor Bernard’s Lewis’s ‘Crisis in Islam’ to get an idea of how muslums “negotiate” with infidels.  For a little lighter reading try leon Uris’s ‘The Haj’ to get a concept of the arab mind-set.

Last week, a fanatical muslim wacko in Texas murdered his two daughters, shooting them to death in his taxi because they dishonored the holly prophet by dressing in western clothes and dating infidels. Hard to believe- well these two pretty young girls can’t argue with you can they?

So, lets get real here… the world is a dangerous and terrible place. An inexperienced young guy like obama can’t begin to handle it. He has no idea of what war is and very little idea of what islam is really all about. If indeed, he really did understand the murderous muslum mind-set like some say he does, then he might have somewhat a better chance. I don’t think spending a couple of years in a muslum school when he was a kid and then growing up in the States, going to Harvard, studying law and getting elected to  public office from a overwhelmingly gerrymandered minority district  qualifies him to be our Commander in Chief- do you?

 The best we can hope for in Iraq and indeed in the entire region is to put the lid on it. After the crusades, which began in 1050 or so, the Christian armies beat the hell out of the muslums, over an over, until they were so thoroughly defeated that they crawled away into their burning sands where they, more or less, remained for many hundreds of years.

 Let me give you some examples so you will see what we are up against. It’s important here that you consider carefully that none of these events has anything to do with what America is or what we have done as Americans in the arab world. All this was long before the ‘War on Terror.’ The “hate and blame America” bunch has no dog in this race.

 Muslum mad-men- we heard from them again 36 years ago when they killed the Jewish athletes in Munich at the 1972 Olympics. And again, hijacking our aircraft murdering passengers like Bobby Stetham, the Navy diver, who was shot in the head and thrown onto the concrete ramp on a TWA flight forced into Beirut in 1985. Did you know about this? The young man was returning from an assignment in the Middle East when the flight was hijacked by Islamic terrorists. He was tortured and shot to death on June 15, 1985. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery near a number of other Americans who were victims of worldwide terrorism.

 In another event in 1985, Arab hijackers took over a cruise ship, the Achille laurel, executing an old man, Leon Klinghoffer, shooting him in the forehead and chest as he sat in his wheelchair. ( weren’t they the brave boys) They then forced the ship's barber and a waiter to throw his body and wheelchair overboard. Marilyn Klinghoffer, his wife, who did not witness the shooting, was told by the hijackers that he had been moved to the infirmary. She only learned the truth after the militants had left the ship at Port Said. P.L.O. Foreign Secretary, Farouq Qaddumi, brazenly suggested that the terminally ill Marilyn Klinghoffer had killed her husband for insurance money.

 Initially, the militants were granted safe passage to Tunisia, but U.S. President Ronald Reagan ( thank God) ordered a U.S. fighter plane to force the get-away plane to land in Italy. After an extradition dispute Italian authorities arrested and later tried the terrorists but stupidly allowed Abu Abbas, a Palestinian terrorist whose direct responsibility in the organization of the hijacking was not known at the time, to fly to Yugoslavia.

 Klinghoffer’s body was found on October 14-15 and returned to the United States to be buried at Beth David Memorial Park in Kenilworth, New Jersey. Four months after her husband's murder, Marilyn Klinghoffer died of colon cancer. Such tragedies will provide you with a idea of the brutality and evil driving the muslum fanatics. Never in your imagination could you, as normal peaceful American, even dream of tossing an old man in a wheel chair off the deck of a ship- madness!

 This happened long before Osama bin Laden joined the war and President Bush declared war.  Since then, there was the elusive Imad Mughniyah. One of the world's most wanted bloody minded killers for allah. He was accused of playing a leading role in murdering more than 250 Americans, taking a half-dozen others hostage and driving the United States out of Lebanon. Thankfully, the Israelis ( or someone) killed this bastard in Syria a few months ago.

 Today, after the tragic events of 9/11, we have finally met our ancient enemy on the streets of Baghdad, in Afganistan and throughout the world. We are killing them with guns, bombs and pilotless drones. We are developing lethal “war-bots” that will one day replace human soldiers by the thousands. In 25 years, we will be fighting the wacko hordes with millions of manufactured mechanical killing machines. The hills of Northern Pakistan and southern Afghanistan likely will be covered with these deadly machines directed by computers and pilotless drones ( which are already in common use)  flown from control centers thousands of miles away. Finally, slowly, we will kill enough of the murdering muslums that they will once again burrow into their miserable wastelands licking their wounds, for another few hundred years. For now, we have no choice but to send our young men into harms way and this is always a difficult decision for any leader. 

 To bring balance and a sense of proportion, consider this; in five years we have lost 4,000 guys in Iraq compared to the 75,000 causalities we suffered in the first 3 days of the Battle of the Bulge in WW II. The murder rate in Baltimore Md over the same period isn’t very different from that in Baghdad and remember, 50,000 Americans die in car accidents every year so that’s about 250,000 who died on our dangerous highways in the same number of years we have been fighting in Iraq. Another thing to consider is that all of the military men are 100% volunteers (we have no draft).  We have a professional warrior class who are doing what they are trained and sworn to do- protect and defend America. And remember, all of them would have to be paid every week whether that were in Iraq or not. They would still have to have their vehicles and weapons and they would still have to be upgraded and resupplied whether they were being used or not.

 This short history lesson is just to give the uninitiated some idea of what islam is all about and what we as a nation and a free people are facing and why.

 Who do we want leading us in these perilous times? John McCain is a jet fighter pilot who qualified on carriers. What does this mean? For one thing, it means that he flew his aircraft, without an auto pilot, at night, on instrument approaches to the deck of a carrier. Probably you have no idea what this means but, as a airline pilot for 42 years and one who flew 3 years in Vietnam, I do know what it means. The ability to control a very maneuverable little aircraft solely by reference to instruments is not easy- it takes a very strong mind to move the controls one way when your inner ear and sense of balance tell you to go the other way. Few man or women have this mental strength.

 Senator McCain attended schools in Alexandria, Va. and graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1958, and the National War College in Washington, D.C. in 1973.  He qualified as a navy pilot and was a prisoner of war in Vietnam between 1967 until his release in 1973. McCain received numerous awards, including the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, and Distinguished Flying Cross. McCain retired from the US Navy with the rank of Captain which, in the Army, is the same as a full Colonel.  He was elected as a Republican in 1982 to the Ninety-eighth Congress; reelected to the Ninety-ninth Congress in 1984 and served from January 3, 1983, to January 3, 1987 when he was elected to the United States Senate in 1986 and reelected in 1992, 1998 and in 2004 for the term ending January 3, 2011.

 Comparing McCain to obama, we have a guy who obtained his Undergraduate Degree from Occidental College in Los Angeles in 1983 followed by a BA from Columbia University in Political Science and a law degree from Harvard in 1991. Between 1983-1988 he was the director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight black parishes in Greater Roseland on Chicago's South Side. In 1992 he Led Chicago's Project Vote Push. This effort resulted in a record number of black voter registrations. Between 1993-2002, husain Worked as an associate attorney with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland and was elected, by an overwhelmingly gerrymandered district, to the Illinois Senate in 1996 and the United States Senate in 2004.

 In his political career obama was elected from these heavily gerrymandered black districts where he had little competition. So far, he has served only 141 days as a US senator and, had it not been for the black voters, it is doubtful that he would have been elected to any office. His record is poor, voting against the troops whenever he could and he is recognized as the most liberal senator in Washington.

 For my money and for the sake of our country, I don’t see how any prescient individual can possibly vote for husian obama. The exercise of the power of the Commander in Chief of the most powerful country in human history takes a very experienced hand on the tiller. McCain has the experience, the education and the ability to lead and has demonstrated it many times. obama doesn’t, hasn’t and likely can’t ….. it’s that simple………Have I made my point?


Robert Firth





Hussein Obama was raised as a Muslim and joined a radical white hating church led by the radical Wright. Obama's friends include known terrorists and the following excerpts from his books. He was elected only because of a gerrymandered  90% black constituency and is the most liberal member of the US Congress and in my opinion represents a clear and present danger to  America AND OUR VALUES.

Here's something to consider   Hoisted on his own petard as it were!

Maybe the Super Delegates should get a copy of Dreams of My Father and the Audacity of Hope before the final vote is cast. It's obvious the voters in PA, W VA, NJ, NY, OH, MA, FL, MI, CA, have an understanding of what BHO's real intent is. Pass it on.....

In Obamanation’s own  words...   
This guy wants to be our President and control our  government. Pay close attention to the last comment!!  Below are a  few lines from Obama's books ' his words:  

 From Dreams of My  Father:  'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12  or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to  whites.'
 From Dreams of My Father :  'I found  a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my  mothers race.'
 From Dreams of My Father:   'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of  himself, maybe. And white.'
 From Dreams of My  Father:  ; 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on,  to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name  names.'
 From Dreams of My Father:  'I never  emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was  into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all  the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm,  DuBois and Mandela.'
From Audacity of  Hope:  'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds  shift in an ugly direction.'  


There is no way this man can be ever the president of all the people. He is a one-sided supporter of the Black caucus ( Black first and American last) and an enemy of every white person in America.
Let's cut to the chase here: Would I vote for a black man for President of the United States?  The answer is "absolutely. If Colin Powell ,or someone of his caliber were running, I would of course support and vote for him. " Obama is not a man I can trust or respect. He is squealing for "change" and hasn't defined what change he is squealing about. He is a silver tongued devil and far, too far, to the left for me. Obama has no real world experience at all. His idea of change is to hugely increase taxes and transfer wealth to the great unwashed who support him. The only whites I see in his audience are very young ( and we  know they haven't got a horse in the race) , and the super lib professional pols and other wackos who don't really care about America as long as they have a place at the table.

Robert Firth

Articles by others


This op/ed from the Asia Times Online is a must-read. It is both astonishing and alarming. Based on Oxy Moran's experience, the author's premise, about judging the candidate by the women he surrounds himself with, is spot-on. One of the article's central allegations, that Senator Obama's mother was a communist sympathizer, is supported by an additional fact the author omits: she met Mr.Obama Sr when both were learning Russian in 1960, at height of the Cold War, at the East/West Institute in Hawaii. For an extensive resource on the life of Senator Obama, see Debunking Obama at http://obamawtf.blogspot.com/

 Cherchez la femme," advised Alexander Dumas in: "When you want to uncover an unspecified secret, look for the woman." In the case of Barack Obama, we have two: his late mother, the went-native anthropologist Ann Dunham, and his rancorous wife Michelle. Obama's women reveal his secret: he hates America.

 We know less about Senator Obama than about any prospective president in American history. His uplifting rhetoric is empty, as Hillary Clinton helplessly protests. His career bears no trace of his own character, not an article for the Harvard Law Review he edited, or a single piece of legislation. He appears to be an empty vessel filled with the wishful thinking of those around him. But there is a real Barack Obama. No man - least of all one abandoned in infancy by his father - can conceal the imprint of an impassioned mother, or the influence of a brilliant wife.

 America is not the embodiment of hope, but the abandonment of one kind of hope in return for another. America is the spirit of creative destruction, selecting immigrants willing to turn their back on the tragedy of their own failing culture in return for a new start. Its creative success is so enormous that its global influence hastens the decline of other cultures. For those on the destruction side of the trade, America is a monster. Between half and nine-tenths of the world's 6,700 spoken languages will become extinct in the next century, and the anguish of dying peoples rises up in a global cry of despair. Some of those who listen to this cry become anthropologists, the curators of soon-to-be extinct cultures; anthropologists who really identify with their subjects marry them. Obama's mother, the University of Hawaii anthropologist Ann Dunham, did so twice.

Obama profiles Americans the way anthropologists interact with primitive peoples. He holds his own view in reserve and emphatically draws out the feelings of others; that is how friends and colleagues describe his modus operandi since his days at the Harvard Law Review, through his years as a community activist in Chicago, and in national politics. Anthropologists, though, proceed from resentment against the devouring culture of America and sympathy with the endangered cultures of the primitive world. Obama inverts the anthropological model: he applies the tools of cultural manipulation out of resentment against America. The probable next president of the United States is a mother's revenge against the America she despised.

 Ann Dunham died in 1995, and her character emerges piecemeal from the historical record, to which I will return below. But Michelle Obama is a living witness. Her February 18 comment that she felt proud of her country for the first time caused a minor scandal, and was hastily qualified. But she meant it, and more. The video footage of her remarks shows eyes hooded with rage as she declares:

 For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment.

 The desperation, frustration and disappointment visible on Michelle Obama's face are not new to the candidate's wife; as Steve Sailer, Rod Dreher and other commentators have noted, they were the theme of her undergraduate thesis, on the subject of "blackness" at Princeton University. No matter what the good intentions of Princeton, which founded her fortunes as a well-paid corporate lawyer, she wrote, "My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'Blackness' than ever before. I have found that at Princeton no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my White professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong."

 Never underestimate the influence of a wife who bitch-slaps her husband in public. Early in Obama's campaign, Michelle Obama could not restrain herself from belittling the senator. "I have some difficulty reconciling the two images I have of Barack Obama. There's Barack Obama the phenomenon. He's an amazing orator, Harvard Law Review, or whatever it was, law professor, best-selling author, Grammy winner. Pretty amazing, right? And then there's the Barack Obama that lives with me in my house, and that guy's a little less impressive," she told a fundraiser in February 2007.

 "For some reason this guy still can't manage to put the butter up when he makes toast, secure the bread so that it doesn't get stale, and his five-year-old is still better at making the bed than he is." New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd reported at the time, "She added that the TV version of Barack Obama sounded really interesting and that she'd like to meet him sometime." Her handlers have convinced her to be more tactful since then.

 "Frustration" and "disappointment" have dogged Michelle Obama these past 20 years, despite her US$300,000 a year salary and corporate board memberships. It is hard for the descendants of slaves not to resent America. They were not voluntary immigrants but kidnap victims, subjected to a century of second-class citizenship even after the Civil War ended slavery. Blackness is not the issue; General Colin Powell, whose parents chose to immigrate to America from the West Indies, saw America just as other immigrants do, as a land of opportunity. Obama's choice of wife is a failsafe indicator of his own sentiments. Spouses do not necessarily share their likes, but they must have their hatreds in common. Obama imbibed this hatred with his mother's milk.

 Michelle Obama speaks with greater warmth of her mother-in-law than of her husband. "She was kind of a dreamer, his mother," Michelle Obama was quoted in the January 25 Boston Globe. "She wanted the world to be open to her and her children. And as a result of her naivete, sometimes they lived on food stamps, because sometimes dreams don't pay the rent. But as a result of her naivete, Barack got to see the world like most of us don't in this country." How strong the ideological motivation must be of a mother to raise her children on the thin fair of government assistance in pursuit of a political agenda.

 "Naivete" is a euphemism for Ann Dunham's motivation. Friends describe her as a "fellow traveler", that is, a communist sympathizer, from her youth, according to a March 27, 2007, Chicago Tribune report. Many Americans harbor leftist views, but not many marry into them, twice. Ann Dunham met and married the Kenyan economics student Barack Obama, Sr, at the University of Hawaii in 1960, and in 1967 married the Indonesian student Lolo Soetero. It is unclear why Soetero's student visa was revoked in 1967 - the fact but not the cause are noted in press accounts. But it is probable that the change in government in Indonesia in 1967, in which the leftist leader Sukarno was deposed, was the motivation.

 Soetero had been sponsored as a graduate student by one of the most radical of all Third World governments. Sukarno had founded the so-called Non-Aligned Movement as an anti-colonialist turn at the 1955 Bandung Conference in Indonesia. Before deposing him in 1967, Indonesia's military slaughtered 500,000 communists (or unfortunates who were mistaken for communists). When Ann Dunham chose to follow Lolo Soetero to Indonesia in 1967, she brought the six-year-old Barack into the kitchen of anti-colonialist outrage, immediate following one of the worst episodes of civil violence in post-war history.

 Dunham's experience in Indonesia provided the material for a doctoral dissertation celebrating the hardiness of local cultures against the encroaching metropolis. It was entitled, "Peasant blacksmithing in Indonesia: surviving against all odds". In this respect Dunham remained within the mainstream of her discipline. Anthropology broke into popular awareness with Margaret Mead's long-discredited Coming of Age in Samoa (1928), which offered a falsified ideal of sexual liberation in the South Pacific as an alternative to the supposedly repressive West. Mead's work was one of the founding documents of the sexual revolution of the 1960s, and anthropology faculties stood at the left-wing fringe of American universities.

 In the Global South, anthropologists went into the field and took matters a step further. Peru's brutal Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) guerilla movement was the brainchild of the anthropologist Efrain Morote Best, who headed the University of San Cristobal of Huamanga in Ayacucho, Peru, between 1962 and 1968. Dunham's radicalism was more vicarious; she ended her career as an employee of international organizations.

 Barack Obama received at least some instruction in the Islamic faith of his father and went with him to the mosque, but the importance of this experience is vastly overstated by conservative commentators who seek to portray Obama as a Muslim of sorts. Radical anti-Americanism, rather than Islam, was the reigning faith in the Dunham household. In the Muslim world of the 1960s, nationalism rather than radical Islam was the ideology of choice among the enraged. Radical Islam did not emerge as a major political force until the nationalism of a Gamal Abdel Nasser or a Sukarno failed.

 Barack Obama is a clever fellow who imbibed hatred of America with his mother's milk, but worked his way up the elite ladder of education and career. He shares the resentment of Muslims against the encroachment of American culture, although not their religion. He has the empathetic skill set of an anthropologist who lives with his subjects, learns their language, and elicits their hopes and fears while remaining at emotional distance. That is, he is the political equivalent of a sociopath. The difference is that he is practicing not on a primitive tribe but on the population of the United States.

There is nothing mysterious about Obama's methods. "A demagogue tries to sound as stupid as his audience so that they will think they are as clever as he is," wrote Karl Krauss. Americans are the world's biggest suckers, and laugh at this weakness in their popular culture. Listening to Obama speak, Sinclair Lewis' cynical tent-revivalist Elmer Gantry comes to mind, or, even better, Tyrone Power's portrayal of a carnival mentalist in the 1947 film noire Nightmare Alley. The latter is available for instant viewing at Netflix, and highly recommended as an antidote to having felt uplifted by an Obama speech.

 America has the great misfortune to have encountered Obama at the peak of his powers at its worst moment of vulnerability in a generation. With malice of forethought, he has sought out their sore point.

 Since the Ronald Reagan boom began in 1984, the year the American stock market doubled, Americans have enjoyed a quarter-century of rising wealth. Even the collapse of the Internet bubble in 2000 did not interrupt the upward trajectory of household assets, as the housing price boom eclipsed the effect of equity market weakness. America's success made it a magnet for the world's savings, and Americans came to believe that they were riding a boom that would last forever, as I wrote recently

 Americans regard upward mobility as a God-given right. America had a double founding, as David Hackett Fischer showed in his 1989 study, Albion's Seed . Two kinds of immigrants founded America: religious dissidents seeking a new Promised Land, and economic opportunists looking to get rich quick. Both elements still are present, but the course of the past quarter-century has made wealth-creation the sine qua non of American life. Now for the first time in a generation Americans have become poorer, and many of them have become much poorer due to the collapse of home prices. Unlike the Reagan years, when cutting the top tax rate from a punitive 70% to a more tolerable 40% was sufficient to start an economic boom, no lever of economic policy is available to fix the problem. Americans have no choice but to work harder, retire later, save more and retrench.

 This reversal has provoked a national mood of existential crisis. In Europe, economic downturns do not inspire this kind of soul-searching, for Europeans, richer are poorer, remain what they always have been. But Americans are what they make of themselves, and the slim makings of 2008 shake their sense of identity. Americans have no institutionalized culture to fall back on. Their national religion has consisted of waves of enthusiasm - "Great Awakenings" – every second generation or so, followed by an interim of apathy. In times of stress they have a baleful susceptibility to hucksters and conmen.

Be afraid - be very afraid. America is at a low point in its fortunes, and feeling sorry for itself. When Barack utters the word "hope", they instead hear, "handout". A cynic might translate the national motto, E pluribus unum, as "something for nothing". Now that the stock market and the housing market have failed to give Americans something for nothing, they want something for nothing from the government. The trouble is that he who gets something for nothing will earn every penny of it, twice over.

 The George W Bush administration has squandered a great strategic advantage in a sorry lampoon of nation-building in the Muslim world, and has made enemies out of countries that might have been friendly rivals, notably Russia. Americans question the premise of America's standing as a global superpower, and of the promise of upward mobility and wealth-creation. If elected, Barack Obama will do his utmost to destroy the dual premises of America's standing. It might take the country another generation to recover.

 "Evil will oft evil mars", J R R Tolkien wrote. It is conceivable that Barack Obama, if elected, will destroy himself before he destroys the country. Hatred is a toxic diet even for someone with as strong a stomach as Obama. As he recalled in his 1995 autobiography, Dreams From My Father, Obama idealized the Kenyan economist who had married and dumped his mother, and was saddened to learn that Barack Hussein Obama, Sr, was a sullen, drunken polygamist. The elder Obama became a senior official of the government of Kenya after earning a PhD at Harvard. He was an abusive drunk and philanderer whose temper soured his career.

 The senior Obama died in a 1982 car crash. Kenyan government officials in those days normally spent their nights drinking themselves stupid at the Pan-Afrique Hotel. Two or three of them would be found with their Mercedes wrapped around a palm tree every morning. During the 1970s I came to know a number of them, mostly British-educated hollow men dying inside of their own hypocrisy and corruption.

Both Obama and the American public should be very careful of what they wish for. As the horrible example of Obama's father shows, there is nothing worse for an embittered outsider manipulating the system from within than to achieve his goals - and nothing can be more terrible for the system. Even those who despise America for its blunders of the past few years should ask themselves whether the world will be a safer place if America retreats into a self-pitying shell.




 I like this fellow's analogy and his conclusion.  It is too bad that this will not make the mainstream media, because it makes too much sense for them to print, or televise on the evening news. Again the Stinking Libs have a agenda- push Hussein Obamanation on us to the limit.....destroy the middle class-destroy America but, along the way grab all the power and as much of the public money as you possibly can......



An Old Newness By Thomas Sowell, Tuesday, April 29, 2008

 Thomas Sowell

Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow
The Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305

Many years ago, a great hitter named Paul Waner was nearing the end of his long career. He entered a ballgame with 2,999 hits -- one hit away from the landmark total of 3,000, which so many hitters want to reach, but which relatively few actually do reach.

Waner hit a ball that the fielder did not handle cleanly but the official scorer called it a hit, making it Waner's 3,000th. Paul Waner then sent word to the official scorer that he did not want that questionable hit to be the one that put him over the top.

The official scorer reversed himself and called it an error. Later Paul Waner got a clean hit for number 3,000.

What reminded me of this is the great fervor that many seem to feel over the prospect of the first black President of the United States.

No doubt it is only a matter of time before there is a black president, just as it was only a matter of time before Paul Waner got his 3,000th hit. The issue is whether we want to reach that landmark so badly that we are willing to overlook how questionably that landmark is reached.

Paul Waner had too much pride to accept a scratch hit. Choosing a President of the United States is a lot more momentous than a baseball record. We the voters need to have far more concern about who we put in that office that holds the destiny of a nation and of generations yet unborn.

There is no reason why someone as arrogant, foolishly clever and ultimately dangerous as Barack Obama should become president -- especially not at a time when the threat of international terrorists with nuclear weapons looms over 300 million Americans.

Many people seem to regard elections as occasions for venting emotions, like cheering for your favorite team or choosing a Homecoming Queen.

The three leading candidates for their party's nomination are being discussed in terms of their demographics -- race, sex and age -- as if that is what the job is about.

One of the painful aspects of studying great catastrophes of the past is discovering how many times people were preoccupied with trivialities when they were teetering on the edge of doom. The demographics of the presidency are far less important than the momentous weight of responsibility that office carries.

Just the power to nominate federal judges to trial courts and appellate courts across the country, including the Supreme Court, can have an enormous impact for decades to come. There is no point feeling outraged by things done by federal judges, if you vote on t he basis of emotion for those who appoint them.

Barack Obama has already indicated that he wants judges who make social policy instead of just applying the law. He has already tried to stop young violent criminals from being tried as adults.

Although Senator Obama has presented himself as the candidate of new things -- using the mantra of "change" endlessly -- the cold fact is that virtually everything he says about domestic policy is straight out of the 1960s and virtually everything he says about foreign policy is straight out of the 1930s.

Protecting criminals, attacking business, increasing government spending, promoting a sense of envy and grievance, raising taxes on people who are productive and subsidizing those who are not -- all this is a re-run of the 1960s.

We paid a terrible price for such 1960s notions in the years that followed, in the form of soaring crime rates, double-digit inflation and double-digit unemployment. During the 1960s, ghettoes across the countries were ravaged by riots from which many have not fully recovered to this day.

The violence and destruction were concentrated not where there was the greatest poverty or injustice but where there were the most liberal politicians, promoting grievances and hamstringing the police.

Internationally, the approach that Senator Obama proposes -- including the media magic of meetings between heads of state -- was tried during the 1930s. That approach, in the name of peace, is what led to the most catastrophic war in human history.

Everything seems new to those too young to remember the old and too ignorant of history to have heard about it.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy.








By; Nancy Boxxxer , The NY Timely, an Islamic approved newspaper


Moohammood Mac’ca ben Wacko, the speaker of the house, said in Washington today that he is “confident that Sharia law will replace the constitution in 2010.” “The Muslim majority in both houses almost guarantees us a victory” said Moohammood.

President Hussian Obbamma, supporting Moohammood’s statement, said that “the American people were in for some rude awakenings and he personally welcomed the change.”

Three months ago, following the passage of the new laws, all women’s cosmetics were declared illegal - stores offering such items have been closed along with all women’s clothing outlets. All women in America are dressed now only in the familiar black burkas. Any seen in any other dress are subject to immediate arrest and beatings by the Mutawas ( religious police) who are rapidly replacing regular officers throughout the country.

All forms of alcohol have been banned of course and, with Islamic managers ruling in most cities, bars and restaurants have banned alcoholic drinks since President Obbamma moved into the oval office.

Many hundreds of thousands of former petty thieves and purse snatchers have been seen missing a hand with some missing both. Drug dealers and users are regularly hung in public squares and the heads of most of the criminal element are displayed on metal spikes driven into lawns and former golf courses.

Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz, and O’Reilly of course, along with many others were removed from the air and deported. None have ever been heard from and no one has ever returned from the camps. They are presumed dead.

Obbbammmaaa long ago released thousands of black Muslims from the prisons and is training them as mutawas to be used to police white suburbs. The prisons today are overcrowded with the automatic imprisonment of anyone who might be an enemy of Islam. Actually, the streets are pretty peaceful. Gas prices are very low these days, probably because almost all American cars and trucks were confiscated and sent to Muslim countries along with most of our aircraft.

Hundreds of trains and government prison busses are moving west carrying several million men every month to concentration and detention camps for refusing to submit to Islam. These rebels, some 50 millions so far, are placing a huge but temporary burden on the Islamic government of America said the new President. He said today in Washington, that he “feels the only practical solution is to have them euthanized as painlessly and quickly as possible in accordance with Islamic law regarding recalcitrant infidels.”

In continuing fighting, mostly in the rural south, many American soldiers have joined the rebels opposing the Islamic States of America. A top CAIR spokesman in Washington is on record as recommending lobotomizing the remaining military officers and enlisted men to render them more willing to follow the directions of their new Muslim masters.

Noem Chompsky, the presidents choice to represent America at the UN, agrees and has located a fellow Harvard educated physician and adjunct professor of medical religion from the JFK School of Scientific Passivism and Appeaser Dogma to create a plan to sedate the military by placing strong tranquilizers in the base drinking water until the medical procedures can be carried out.

Yesterday, a wild demonstration of women on the Washington mall was subdued by the use of several dozen enormously powerful water cannon. An army of imported Mutawas severely punished the surviving female leaders into submission. 200 badly injured women were hauled off by the religious police to a destination unknown. The government spokesman Ms Numbskull Peee-lose wearing her dark burka and speaking on behalf of her new boss ben Wacko said that the women wouldn’t be tortured at Guantanamo however, those who recovered would be expected to “entertain” the thousands of Islamic visitors to the museum which was once a greatly feared southern prison facility. She said that “sentences of 20 years to life were well warranted for these anti-Islamic trouble makers.” 

All the malls and stores across the country have been closed until the government is satisfied that all banned anti-islamic items have been removed from the shelves. All recorded music,movies,CD’s, kites and any form of female clothing that is considered “un-Islamic” have been removed and destroyed. Vast armies of Saudi inspectors brought to the country by the Obbbamma administration are searching all private homes and apartments in every state city and town, except those few western and southern states where the opposition are still fighting, to remove all weapons or articles that are considered offensive to the holy prophet.

Any hidden supplies of liquor, beer or wine are earning their owners the standard and immediate punishment of 200 lashes administered to all in the family regardless of age or sex. Last month, 20,000 infants, young children, women and older citizens died under the lash of Islam Praise be to Allah the most merciful.  The Mutawa spokesman for this program said that in his opinion America will be 100% pure and ready for full conversion in another 12 to 15 months- Inshalah….

For the present, all churches have been converted into temporary mosques. All the former Christian and Jewish religious leaders have been deported to the camps and attendance at the mosques for the 5 ritual prayers to Allah has become mandatory for all citizens. Any who are found to be hiding at home are severely dealt the mandatory 200 lashes for the first offence and deportation to the camps for any subsequent lapse of observance. Apostates will be harshly dealt with said Obbamma’s new press secretary former senator Hairy “the wimp” Ried.

Meanwhile, last week, at Camp David, Charles Schooomer and Barny Frankenstien were both beheaded over their public criticism of the new president’s decision to send $500 billion of the American’s taxpayer’s money to the leaders of Hamas in Palestine.

President Nazeralla of Lebanon and President for life Amadinijad of Iran, spending a quiet weekend at the camp with Obbamma, said that the executions were particularly well done praising the expertise of the Hamas leader who personally wielded the sword. The two heads are on display at the Smithsonian for the next several months.

In a late arriving bit of good news the Government reports that in the first 6 months of the year, almost all 20 million illegal Mexicans have returned to their homeland where the Mexican government is busy erecting a series of walls and mine fields to protect themselves from the millions of American’s fleeing south to escape Obbammaa’s forces. Almost all 2000 miles of the barrier have been completed in the 12 months since Obbamma came to power. So far, it is reported that over 5 million Americans have died in the mine fields or have been shot to death by the Mexican border patrol or electrocuted climbing the Mexican fence.

Interestingly, it is reported that Oobbbammma, who was swept into office with the enthusiastic support of the rainbow coalition which included almost 100% of the American gay vote, has predictably arrested millions of homosexuals and ordered them to be surgically emasculated in accord with Islamic law. As word of this “squeaked” out by the survivors, huge numbers of gays ran to Mexico where they died trying to cross the Mexican fence.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Government of the EU in Brussels has congratulated President Oobbaammaa on his conversion techniques and has resumed flights by the approved Islamic carriers into most American cities. In other international developments, former French president Sarcozzi, speaking from his cell in Islamabad, said that he “wishes he had treated his Islamic citizens better and hopes that they will find it in their hearts to forgive him for not turning over the reins of government more quickly.”  His sentiments are echoed by Tony Brown and Gordon Blair who, following a period of re-education and attitude adjustment in a quiet maddrass in Afghanistan, have finally accepted Allah and are taking Arabic lessons. Osama ben Laden, the headmaster of the maddrass, says they “are both making marvelous progress.” 

Israel hasn’t been heard from in some time. All we have are rumors, but it seems that Hezballah was supplied huge chemical and biological bombs by Iran  which were delivered by sea killing 6 million Israelis. Any survivors were too sick to fight and were murdered by Hamas in vast sweeps over the past months. Israel has ceased to exist.

The entire surviving staff of the NY Timley and the management team at moo-on dot org have sent congratulatory messages to present Ooobbbamma who, while attending the opening of the new Wallywood blockbuster, Death of the Great Satin, where every story has to have an anti-religious, anti-'square,' sexually deviant or defeatist component, said that he was “sorry that all the Jewish actors and producers had to be killed but, that was Islam and he hoped they could find enough actors to keep the business going……”

That’s it from Washington………….
